Wow, awesome weather for my last weekend off work! I almost got rid of those cycling tan lines yesterday only to have them re-appear again today! ughhhhh....
Had a bit of a sleep-in yesterday and headed over to Corsair Bay for a swim. Got there just before 10, there were still a few people swimming which was good as I was swimming on my own. I feel competent enough to swim on my own in the open water while there are others around, just not so keen to swim completely solo. Did a couple of laps out to the boats and back and was quite surprised at how little time that took with no-one to stop and chat to while swimming! hehehe... Oh well I do need to practise actually swimming longer distances in the open water since I have entered the 2.8km ocean swim which is only a month or so away now. After the swim I headed off for a run, I did 3 laps around the triathlon run course again. Its good to get my head into the idea of doing lap Timaru is a 3 lap run and most other tri's seem to consist of laps. Running laps used to really do my head in but I seem to cope with them better now which is all good. Stood in the nice cold water at Corsair Bay for 10mins after doing my run in the hopes that my legs would feel ok the next day. Had a thirst for an icy cold coca cola in the afternoon so took Merlin for a gentle meander to the dairy and spent the rest of the afternoon sitting in the sun reading my book.
Sunday I headed out to do long bays. Jazz joined me for a ride since he was sposed to be doing short bays anyway. We had a stinking headwind right from when we left home! Blimmin grrr! Chch is not sposed to be windy! Although this is what Richard said when I texted him saying 'wind!:-/' he replied and said 'Wind is your friend, you live in Chch! It helps you practice getting aero, makes you stronger mentally and physically. Is awesome if it is behind you and is better than snow!' aah gotta love it! yes it is better than snow, but since when is Chch the windy city? I thought Welly had the rights on that one? Anyway, the weather was odd today, we kept looking at the clouds in the distance and debating whether or not it was raining where we were headed. It got pretty cold and unfun heading to Tai Tapu so we agreed that if it was raining by the time we reached the bottom of Gebbies Pass we would turn around and head home, theory being that a flat ride with a tail wind would be more fun in the rain than riding the hills! Well, there was no rain! Once we were over Gebbies Pass the weather was stunning! It was almost worth the headwind just to be on the other side and experience such a stunning day round the bays! We even got a wee push up Evans Pass from the wind which is almost unheard of and kinda pleasant! No causeway sprint today, it was far too windy for that kind of fun!
Right, best I head off to bed since I have work tomorrow and will actually have to get up early to go swimming for a change! And I have a nutritionist appt tomorrow am, fingers crossed that I don't weigh more than I did before Xmas.....
Quote for the Day:
"Beer the cause of and solution to all of life's little problems"- Homer Simpson
Come on Nades, I've been waiting since Sunday for an update to your blog. You've spoilt the readers out there with your regular posts - don't let us down now!! ;-)
all updated for you now missy :) Best I go Bebo and see what you have been up to!!
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