We took Merlin to the vet a few weeks ago as he seemed to have a bit of a sore back and they put him on a course of steroids and he improved fairly quickly so after a few visits to the vet over a couple of weeks he seemed to be doing ok so he came off the steroids to see how he was. Two days later he was quite sore, he yelped when he was patted on his back, my boy never yelps he is a pretty tolerant boy, so he must have been pretty sore. Geoff took him down to the vet as I was still at work, I headed down there when I got home so I could find out what was going on. It appeared Merlin had regressed fairly quickly so back onto the steroids and he seemed to be doing ok over the weekend, he wasn't moving around quite as much but he still seemed ok. That was Friday, Monday when I got home he was quite sore, he was sitting up on the couch and didn't want to get down cos he knew it would hurt. So I decided to take him into the vet in the morning, I couldn't get an appointment at a time when I could make it so I dropped him off for the day. They took a few x-rays of his spine and the vet diagnosed him as having spondylosis which is a fusing of the spine. They recommended I leave him there overnight so that he could rest, something which is a little difficult for a dog to do in a house that has stairs everywhere! I went in to visit him the next day and he was having some trouble walking around. The vet ran some tests the next day as he thought he may have an infection which he did so onto antibiotics as well. His condition just didn't get any better and the next day he couldn't walk on his own, it was like his wee back just couldn't do what it was sposed to do anymore. you could see in his eyes that he was keen as anything to see you and he desperately wanted to stand up but just couldn't. So it was with much sadness that Merlin crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge on Saturday afternoon. He can now run around and hang out with his big sister Tara and the kitties that he has befriended over the years.

Oh Nades, I'm soooo sorry to hear about Merlin. I always felt he was the splitting image of my old Paddy, with very similar markings and colouring, so I'm feeling really, really sad too. It's hard getting used to not having them around isn't it... not seeing him sitting where he used to sit, his food bowl not being where it used to be, not to mention not having that lolling boxer physique standing where you're wanting to walk!!
You've put together a lovely tribute to your old boy.
hey... well i was looking forward to winding you up about something but have instantly changed my mind. what a lovely tribute to merls!!
this stuff truly sucks, it makes me far sadder now, seeing the photos and your memories of him, and brings back memories of what we went through with simba and cracker. and of bon when she went through something similar 12 or 13 years ago.
this morning i noticed the rhodo we planted above cracker is looking like it needs a bit of tlc, in about another 4 days it will be the 2 year anniversary of simba crossing the bridge. right now i'm feeling the grief like it was last week - some relationships we have in life we never forget or fully get over - for you merls will be one...
Oh Nades....what can I say!!! It does truly truly suck. I have tears rolling down my cheeks now after reading that! I totally understand the amazing special relationship that people have with their pets, and I hate seeing them pass on! It is so sad, I guess the only thing you can take is that he is not in pain anymore and that he can indeed run around freely without his back causing him problems! My thoughts are most definitely with you chick! Your blog was definitely beautifully written about him that's for sure, he was a very special dog :)
Nadine, I've got tears in my eyes. You've also mentioned Merlin so fondly and it was obvious how special he was to you. I'm so so sorry that Merlin became unwell and is no longer with you and Geoff.
What a lovely story you've told of the special bond you had with Merlin and what a perfect companion he was for you.
Thanks for sharing a beautiful story about Merlin's life.
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