Monday, July 14, 2008

The Sunday Ride

Well, there are 2 kinds of Sunday rides, there are the full on hard out spending time in the hills kind of Sunday rides and then there are the coffee rides. Luckily I get these specified in my program, just in case I confuse a serious ride with a coffee ride!
Yesterday was the serious type of ride, 4 hours on the hills, no coffee! The boys were excited until I told them there would be no coffee stop. This unimpressed them, although I did say they could stop for coffee at the bottom of the hill and I would ride home alone and head out for my 15min run like the good lass I am. Hehehee, I think they then decided that they would look soft if they stopped for coffee after I said that.
What a stunning day for a ride tho! It was a tad chilly but beautiful out and barely any wind. We rode what will now be known as the figure zero. Up Dyers Pass Rd to the Kiwi, right along the Summit to Coopers, down into Teddington, along the bays, ahhh the b*tches, thru Lyttleton (take the hard way, up the last street not the first one!) up Evans, left along the Summit back to the Kiwi, descend from the Kiwi and head home. Definitely a good workout if you need to do a nice long hilly ride! Surprisingly there was still a little bit of snow along the Summit Rd when heading to Coopers! Blimey, it had been a week since it snowed!
Legs felt pretty shattered when I headed off on that wee run, it didn't help that the dog was being a goof-ball and kept stopping right in front of me! Legs came right pretty quick though which was good, only takes about 5mins to start feeling normal-ish.
Looking forward to next weeks ride which is only 2 hours with the compulsory coffee stop thrown in, so if anyone feels like a coffee ride on Sunday you are welcome to join me for short bays with coffee somewhere in Sumner.
Quote for the Day:
My education was interrupted only by my schooling.
- Winston Churchill


Jill said...

OMG! Do you mean that you ride up the almost vertical streets of Lyttleton? The ones that run vertical to the water? Crazy woman!!

wilier gurl said...

Umm yes Jill, you have to get out of Lyttleton somehow, there are 2 options, up the hill or swim. I find it difficult to swim with my bike so choose the easier option of going up the hills ;) To be fair you would be lucky if its even a 100m as you turn right at the first intersection. The easy way of going up the first st means you then get to coast thru town, if you take the last st like I do you climb, turn and keep climbing.