Gosh 6 weeks rolls around fast and before you know it its time for a new program all over again. Its always exciting getting a new program cos while some stuff stays similar, eg spin on a Weds, you never know what other wee surprises will be in there. Some good and some not so good! It seems if you are training for Ironman you don't need to taper to race a half marathon... Hmmm so I emailled Geoff's brother who Richard also coaches and is also doing the half marathon this weekend and asked how his week was looking, wow his is soo cruisey! I'm tempted to become a one discipline girl if I get to have a nice program like that! hahaha, I said that to Richard and he kindly reminded me that I was the one who wanted to do IM and he is right, so I guess I get to pay the price and train hard all week and race hard in the weekend as well! And he has some crazy idea that I am doing the Oxford Half Marathon in September but that I am going to go for a bike ride first? Hmm, I have suggested that we review that craziness after this weekends effort. My pleading that a half marathon is a long way didn't go down well after I had just said that I had fun doing Tuesday's 14km hill run.... silly me!
I've decided to switch my swimming up a notch or two now, I struggle to stay particularly focussed at the pool so am going to trial swimming for distance rather than for time. I tried it this morning and it was ok. Normally in an hour swim I will swim about 2.7-2.8kms depending on what drills etc I do so I decided that I am going to aim to swim 3kms in each one hour session. This means it will take a little over an hour to start with but I have a goal of getting that down to an hour and it means I will have better focus and I proved this today so we will go with this plan for a bit and see what happens. Will be interesting in a few weeks where I have to do a 90min swim and see how far I can get in that time, sounds like a good challenge!
I have another of those fun 2 hour runs before spin later in my program so it will be interesting to see how that goes this time, it made spin quite challenging last time round! Pretty rewarding tho to do all that effort in an afternoon!
So 30 weeks till the big day, only 4 more programmes when this one is done and dusted! My my time flies when you're having fun!
Quote for the Day:
Silence is argument carried out by other means.
-Ernesto"Che"Guevara (1928-1967)
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