Saturday, September 13, 2008

Ohh the first sea swim!

What was looking to be a pretty quiet Saturday became a nice busy Saturday but it was fun! Headed off early-ish this morning for my hour long run, headed off round the river for a change. It was lovely out there today with all the rowers and kayakers back on the river, even the whitebaiters were friendly and saying hi this year (ick tho I can't imagine eating anything that comes out of that river!!). Pottered around a bit at home and got some housework done and then it was time for the big sea swim! hehehee. There was a chilly sea temp of 10degrees and to be honest the air temp wasn't a whole lot better! The good thing was that the chill in the air makes the sea seem less cold! To be honest it wasn't too bad, cold feet, hands and face was it really cos the rest of you is nice and toasty in your wetsuit! Speaking of which mine is still sitting dumped in the bath, best I go rinse that! I was pleased to find that I can get mine zipped up without any help, that means I can go for swims on my own. The new wetsuit is lovely to wear and swim in, it was nice to be in a wetsuit that fit as mine was too big for most of last season and used to fill up with water! So it was a fairly brief dip but it was nice to get that first one out of the way and it reminded me how much I enjoy open water swimming! Its so much fun and much much nicer than looking at line on the bottom of the pool!
After a detour for a hot drink and something to eat in Lyttleton it was a brief stop back at home to load bike etc into the car and head down to QE2 to take someone over the Physiomed Womens Tri course. Kathryn is doing her first triathlon so I have offered to mentor her and take her round the course and answer all her questions since I have done the races so many times before. We decided to do the bike/run then the swim cos it was a little cold out so we parked around where the transition area is and headed out on the bike course then back to put bikes in cars and do the run course. Then into QE2 for a swim, there was a swim meet in the 50m pool so we did laps in the dive well. Nice relax in the spa for a chat then home again!
Definitely a fun day and good to see the girlies getting in the cool water! Ohhh and yay I swam for the first time since my eyes were done, it is so so nice to be able to see at the pool! Wow that is cool! And they seem ok after swimming so thats good, was a bit worried the salt water and/or chlorine might sting a little or something, but no!
Quote for the Day:
Pleasure of love lasts but a moment, Pain of love lasts a lifetime.
- Jean Pierre Claris De Florian


Neets_ said...

Hi Nadine. Richard has just sent my next 6 week training programme and this Saturday I have to simulate the first PhysioMed Women's Tri. I'm fine with the swim (other than distance) and bike, but I'm a bit hazy on the run. The website says the perimeter is 3km which is the distance, but I'm really not sure where all the turns are. Is the track obvious? I remember parts of it but not all. Any directions you can give would be gratefully received. Cheers

wilier gurl said...

Hi, all the info is on the website, here are the details for the first run: Exit Transition from the northeast corner onto the QEII fitness track beside Ascot Avenue, onto Ascot Avenue, left into Beach Road, left into Frosts Road, left into Travis Road, enter QEII beside the Golf Driving Range across the grass onto the fitness track following it round beside Dick Tayler Drive, crossing the road to the left, past the cricket oval, onto the path by the pools, and up the left side of Transition to the Finish on Ascot Avenue fields. (Yep you actually head onto the roads and go round the outside of the Golf Course, from where transition normally is head off on an angle to the left and you will come out where the path goes near the road.) The map is here:

If you get really stuck (and I don't think you will) Kathryn and I are possibly doing it again next week.

Rachel Harris said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for initiating yesterday's swim, and for giving me that last minute push when I was wavering! I feel like I've exorcsed a demon and while I've got a long way to go (afterall, there's no guaranteeing conditions will be like Corsair Bay on race day!), just getting out there yesterday was HUGE for me. You'd do very well as a life coach, by the way!! Cheers!

wilier gurl said...

Hey, you're very welcome and thanks for the compliment! You don't do career counselling by any chance as part of your HR role? Just curious for a number of reasons.

Rachel Harris said...

No, not too often. If I try to provide career counselling to someone, I often feel like I'm just trying to get rid of them from our workforce (and sometimes I am!!). Ha ha.

Neets_ said...

Thanks Nadine for the instructions. I hadn't actually gotten back to your post. So I thought you'd forgotten - how silly of me.
It wasn't until after I looked yesterday myself and got home that it clicked that your response to my request would be on your blog.
Now that I've read it, I realise I did a little more than I needed. I didn't head to the left corner from transition, I went straight out and then left, then saw the path veer out onto the road. Not much more but it means my time was slightly better again with having a smidge over 3km run.

Thanks for the response. Next time I ask a question in your blog I'll remember to come back for the answer!

wilier gurl said...

All good, sounds like you figured it out ok anyway. For next time to save you remember to check, blogspot has an option to email follow-up comments to your email addy if you are waiting for a reply.