Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's been awhile

Hmmm so its been a couple of weeks since I posted eh!
I have been in a bit of a slump, it hasn't been an easy or fun couple of weeks. I was reading Rachel's blog about her meltdown the other day and reality hit that I have been having a bit of a meltdown of my own. I tend to go quiet when things aren't going well or am feeling under pressure about stuff. Am feeling more balanced about things now which is good as this time last week quite frankly I was completely over swimming and really didn't care if I never went near the pool again, I kept turning up there and not enjoying it and felt like I was just getting slower every time I swam. Sadly there isn't a duathlon option at IM so it's suck it up time as far as swimming is concerned! I've come to the conclusion that I just need to go to bed earlier at night, I've been kinda trying to stay up till around 10.30 cos Geoff is more of a night person but from now on its a 9.30 bedtime for this girl cos snoozing my alarm for ages means I only end up getting to the pool late which means I feel pressured to cut my swim short to get to work on time. The new method seems to be working, I managed to get to the pool and be swimming by ten past six this morning. Am feeling more rested as well which is good.
Not sure if anyone heard about the cyclist who had a heart attack while riding up Evans Pass a couple of weeks ago, well Geoff happened to be riding past and stopped to give CPR along with some other people. The poor guy didn't make it and Geoff has had a hard time wondering if they could have done something more to help him. Plus the police said they also need to wait for tests to be done in case the guy had anything contagious which they could have come into contact with while doing CPR. So a pretty stressful time for him, he wasn't sleeping and was extremely worried about the test results as you just don't know what you may have come into contact with in a situation like that. So a rough couple of nights looking after him and then finding out about Chris McAteer. I went down to the funeral with Mel and Jazz. Very very sad day! Not cool!
I spent about a week feeling like utter shite, I had a bit of a tummy bug and generally felt pretty average most of the time. Pretty much lost my appetite, about the only thing that seemed appetising was toast which isn't the best nutrition source when its your only nutrition source, everything else just made my stomach churn at the thought of it. Richard is smart and asked me how I was feeling at the start of last week and when I told him that I had decided that I was no longer sick (I was trying to trick my body into being better!) and had finally eaten a proper meal he suggested that given me less than fine nutrition etc over the past week that I should probably take a day off, I really dislike taking a day off (esp as it was a hard week!) but he talks a lot of sense so I listened and all I did last Tuesday was walk the dog. I felt heaps better after that and a couple of good nights sleep. Went to spin the next day and really enjoyed that esp as we followed that up with a run up Rapaki and back.
Frostbuster was this Sat and Geoff and I entered in the duathlon team category. We won this so that was pretty cool, I've never won a sporting event before. Geoff had the fastest bike split of the day so that is pretty awesome! Must have been because he rode my bike :)
The run was interesting, it appears my idea of running up a riverbed and the organisers is slightly different! I expected to be running over rocks and maybe jumping the odd puddle, bit no! Apparently running up a riverbed means crossing a river as many as a dozen times in water that is freezing cold and at least knee deep in places! Lucky I have been doing a fair amount of off road running and feel pretty competent running over rocks and rough surfaces! It was actually kinda fun and always having to watch where you are going certainly meant there was no time to be bored! It was funny when we went off the gravel road onto where the cows go through and it was all muddy and cow poopy, I exclaimed rather loudly "this is why I am a triathlete not a multisporter, my shoes are all dirty!" This was greeted with a reasonable amount of laughter, they possibly realised what the rest of the run was like! Oh well, at least my shoes were clean by the time I finished! The run up there is beautiful as you head through a reserve when you come off the river and it was really pretty.
Things I learnt on Saturday - multisport is a dirty wet game! Take rain jackets and extra changes of dry clothes when you are multisporting! Never underestimate how quick your team mate might go, I was still sitting in the car when Geoff finished the cycle, not a good look!
Spent Sunday supporting the boys doing 'The Ride' in their build up to the 5 Passes. They set of from Sumner so I went running up the Capt. Thomas and along Summit Rd (figured I need to do some more tarmac running as I'm not doing a lot of it) and back to the top of Evans Pass to get some pics of them finishing. You can check out what the boys are up to by going here: http://aaplcyclingteam.wordpress.com/
Right, am feeling a little caught up, kinda! So its time for sleeps now!


Neets_ said...

I'm glad you're feeling more yourself now Nadine. You obviously internalise a lot cos there was no outward signs. Well I guess those closer to you would have seen.

Wow, I had only just heard a little snippet of the guy who had a heart attack. It's a very sobering thought. But for Geoff to be hit with a double whammy not knowing if there was anything to worry about for himself.

Glad the earlier nights are doing the trick. Mark goes to be bed later than me. Sometimes it seems we're hardly spending any quality time but that's just the way it is, and you make the most of what you have :)

Catch you tomorrow. Hope the weather behaves.

Rachel Harris said...

Oh man, sorry to hear you had a bit of a downer too. I spent my meltdown thinking "Nades is a tough gal, I bet she'd never have a meltdown!!" Hmmm, we're only human huh.

Gee, the way Geoff has been feeling would be so natural. I doubt I'd even know what to do in those circumstances (how bad is that). If that was my partner who had collapsed, I'd just be so relieved that he had people around him at the time who cared enough to do what they could.

Chin up, and let's soldier on through this. :-)

wilier gurl said...
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wilier gurl said...

Hey chickies, thanks for the kind words.
Rachel I am definitely capable of a meltdown, it was why I couldn't comment on your post cos I was going thru something similar and the words just wouldn't come and I knew what all the others were saying made sense and wanted to contribute as well but just didn't have what it took at the time. You'll know when I'm struggling, its when I kinda disappear, I stop blogging/posting etc. I do the same at work when things aren't going well, this normally uber-extrovert person goes internal and quiet. It seems to give me the space to do what I need to do to come right again if that makes sense.
Onwards and upwards! :) We'll get there and we'll be fabulous!!