Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Geoff's Big Day Out

This was fun, what we have done as we don't actually spend a lot of time together just the 2 of us between both of us training etc etc we have picked a day each while I am on holiday where we have no or very little training and we take each other out for the day. So on Sunday I took Geoff on his day out and it was heaps of fun.
I had to do an hour run, I was planning to run up Capt Thomas so Geoff put his bike in the car and did hill repeats up Evans Pass for an hour. Home via the drive-thru at WAC Cafe to get a good coffee to start the day. After showering (with me making sneaky bookings while Geoff was in the shower) we headed off. I had bought Geoff a model airplane for Xmas so we had a quick stop at the park so he could fly his plane as it was a lovely calm day. After that we headed off and he got what was really part of his b'day present (his b'day is the next day) which was the Feelers Best Of CD. He's not really into my music and since we were in for a long drive I figured best he have something to listen to. We headed up Dyers Pass Rd, at this stage Geoff thought we might be going to the Takahe for a Devonshire tea but I drove straight past, then he thought maybe we were having ice-creams at the Kiwi, again straight past, by now he was convinced it was a picnic lunch at the Bellbird as I headed across the Summit Rd towards Gebbies. Again he was wrong and I headed down Gebbies and onto the road to Akaroa and took him to French Farm winery for lunch. Not my first choice but I forgot to book and everything in Waipara was booked solid but it worked better going this way anyway as it turns out. Lunch was really lovely and we had a stroll around at French Farm and then I gave Geoff the option of cruising into Akaroa for a look around or checking out something else along the way. He chose to check out Kaituna Valley so we turned off there and drove all the way up to the end of the road then turned back and walked part of the track to the Packhorse Hut, that's a nice track, we only walked about 20mins of it but its real pretty, could be a good off road run to do one day. Then we headed back over Gebbies and along the bays stopping at Governers Bay for a beer, it was gorgeous sitting outside there looking at the harbour! Then off to Sumner for fish and chips on the beach for tea, with a couple of beers that I had hidden in a chilly bin in the car. That was fun, there's nothing quite like fish and chips on the beach at Sumner, although we did have to wait half an hour for them, that fish and chip shop was very busy but they were yummy! Then off to the Hollywood Cinema at Sumner to see Quantum of Solace because we had been meaning to see that for ages, I had never been to the movies at Sumner so that was something I wanted to do which was cool.
So, huge day out, we left home around 12 and got back around 10.30pm. Geoff was blown away and had a great time, he had no idea what was happening at any stage or where we were going which was really cool!


Neets_ said...

What a lovely idea Nadine. Sure sounds like you managed to pack a lot into the day. Just as well the F&C taste so good, they'd need to be after waiting that long :)

So now we wait for "Nade's Big Day Out".

Anonymous said...

Oh that sounds like a great day! Funny about Kaituna, Craig and I did the walk to the Packhorse Hut today!! Its really hot up there as there isn't a lot of bush. Looking forward to hearing what he has in store for you!

Anonymous said...

Hey Nades - re your questions about the Packhorse track. It starts off nice and sedate for a while then there is a reasonably steep section as in you could walk it but I wouldn't be able to bike it if that gives you an idea, then it climbs steadily but not steep up to the hut, definitely would be a good run. It is listed in the Canterbury tracks guide we have as an easy track. I guess coupled with the heat it made it worse than it would be on an overcast day. There is a toilet at the hut but no where to fill up the water bottles unfortunately.
Once you get to the hut you can go right and that takes you around Mt Herbert, or go left to the remarkable dykes and then down to Gebbies Pass.
It is an easy run/walk technically as in not rocky or really rutted. :)

wilier gurl said...

Hey Kelly, thanks for that, might have to check it out as a run sometime soon :)

Rachel Harris said...

How cool! Isn't it nice to do something completely different for a change!

There is a water tank with a tap up at the Packhorse Hut - it's probably just pretty unreliable at this time of year being rain water dependent (and I remember making the comment that I didn't think I could trust whatever came out of it!!). It's a popular hut for overnighting though - it's on our list of things to go back and do. :-)

Anonymous said...

sounds like an awesome day neat wind down after a hectic few weeks

I am listening to the same Feelers cd while checking bloggs GREAT
