Sunday, February 1, 2009

That was massive!

The training week that is! Wow, 20+ hours as well as working pretty much full-time (ok, I do have Wednesday afternoons off at the moment to train) and travelling to Wellington for work on Thursday. I am officially buggered but I can say that I have done it all and pretty much done it as planned!
The weekend was huger than massive if thats possible! Saturday was an 80min open water swim, 180km cycle and a 20min run off the bike. Sunday was simple in comparison, just a 3 and a half hour run! Yikes!
Things I learnt:
  • I can cycle 180km (was actually 189.9, for about half a sec I contemplated riding the 1.1km to make it 190)
  • Old West Coast Rd has to be the most boring stretch of road in the world!
  • There isn't a lot of water to be found between Halswell and Oxford
  • Lemonade ice blocks at Oxford and Sumner are heavenly!
  • Coke and ice blocks are cheaper at the dairy in Oxford than at Shell Linwood
  • Shell Linwood has the best ever air-conditioning!
  • You can make it to Sumner and back on your own 2 feet!
  • The chamois in my new tri-suit is great, my butt was comfy for the whole ride!
  • The weather man has no idea what he is talking about, he said little wind for yesterday and rain for today. Well, if that was a little wind I don't want to see a big one and I'm still waiting for todays rain, it would have been quite nice on the run home!
  • It is possible to run after having cycled for approx 7 hours and it actually didn't feel too bad???
  • Coke goes flat pretty quick when you put it in the bottles on your fuel belt
  • You can run with a gel or a pack of red licorice tucked into your running singlet and its not even uncomfy
  • You bump into people from work in some strange places when you run that far! Haha, they aren't used to seeing me dressed like that and all sweaty as well!
  • No matter how much sunblock you put on, you will still get new tan lines when its that damn hot!
Things I am thankful for:
  • Bumping into Zarnia in Oxford cos the lemonade ice-blocks were her idea
  • Bumping into Zarnia again today in Sumner so we could have ice-blocks again today
  • John Ellis for wiping my 'beard' off when I got out of the water at Corsair Bay yesterday, I hate to think what I must have looked like, all sand and snot no doubt!!
  • The ladies at the Courtenay Tennis Club (randomly along Old West Coast Rd) for letting me fill up my water bottles in their kitchen, I was a long long way from water otherwise!
  • Geoff's daughter Libby for cooking me tea last night! Food never tasted so good!
  • Compression socks, compression tights and anti-flamme!
  • Cold Coke and another ice-block at the garage on the way home
  • That when it took closer to 4 hours than the scheduled 3 and a half I just kept trucking along till I got home. What you need to know here is that I wanted to pack it in at around the 25min mark!
  • A comfy couch to crash on for the afternoon!
  • Seeing friendly and familar faces when on a mission that long, saw Kalina's mum, her friend Fran, her husband Tim, got a wave from Nadia, saw Richard Aitken (who would only give me a double home if I pedalled??) and saw a fair number of other familar folk zipping past on their bikes!
Not long now! 5 weeks time we will be done and dusted! Woohoo! Bring it on I say!


Neets_ said...

And the great thing is that you know you can do it! You know what you're up for, and you're definitely up for it!

Well done!

Rachel Harris said...

Sounds like you'd better ring ahead and make sure the dairy at Reperoa has lemondade iceblocks then!! :-D

I agree about the run off the bike - I don't think it matters whether it's a four hour ride, or a seven hour ride, it feels pretty much the same.

Great job, it's all downhill from here (and that in itself is a pretty spesh feeling isn't it!!).

Anonymous said...

i am going to email the IM people and suggest lemonade ice blocks for the run section! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


PS i am so over this weather

wilier gurl said...

Good plan re the ice blocks, I stopped at the Shell garage to buy another one and bought a box of them when I went to the supermarket earlier!

cath said...

wow! What a week! And working full time...and flying..and the heat...I salute you!

Nadia MacLaren said...

Is that all ???


Anonymous said...

nice work chick!!! bloody awesome. Gee that was nice of Richard wasn't it :-)


Anonymous said...

well done chickie. You doing so well. keep it up!