Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Over and out

As you can tell I haven't blogged a lot lately, 3 months since the last post in fact!
I did think about writing a race report for Graperide but didn't. All I will say is go and do the Magnum, its an amazing event, its worth doing just for the sunrise as you bike into Picton on the first lap.
So this is me signing out of blogland. I started the blog initially to track my journey through to IMNZ 09 and I've done that. I've also done Wanaka and been back to Taupo to watch this year. Watching was an amazing experience, if you ever get the opportunity to watch an Ironman race please do so, it was phenomenal being there at the start line at 7am and then being at the finish line at midnight watching the last athletes come in.
Where to from here for me? Well, I have some big goals and plans but I won't be blogging them. If you want to know what I am up to then you will have to come for a swim, bike, run or coffee to find out. There is of course always good old facebook as well as email, text/phone etc. I'm not disappearing, just ending a chapter so that I can begin the next one.
Yes there is a new bike in the pipeline, Buttercup will be along soon, just need to sort her paint job and gather up the last of the parts that I need so I can build her and go for a ride.
Thank you to everyone who has read my blog and posted thoughtful comments over the past couple of years, best wishes to you all in your training and other endeavours and please stay in touch.
See you on a start line somewhere :)


Rachel Harris said...

Awwww, I'm going to miss you on here, but thank you for allowing us the three months to ween ourselves off. ;-) I'm of a similar view to discontinue blogging - it doesn't seem to hold the same meaning for me anymore. I think it was useful at a growth time in my life, whereas now I have the confidence to go forth without accounting for everything I do.

All the best as you continue on with all your big goals!! :-)

Anonymous said...

I'll miss you too and I won't have the chance to catch up for a swim/bike/run. I'll just have to keep an eye on you on FB. All the best for the next goals whatever they are I'm sure you'll be fab. Thanks for sharing over the last few years and good luck with the new bike.

Clare said...

I'm not anonymous I'm Clare!!!!!!

Neets_ said...

Buttercup. Love it. And I know what it means to you ;-) (or I believe I know what it means to you).

Thanks for all the insights in your blog life leading up to Ironman NZ. It was great to keep tabs on the different experinces you were having and a lot of what you shared was helpful to many many people I'm sure.

All the best Nadine. I'll probably grab the odd little snippet here and there on FB, and I've got all your numbers ;-)

Take care, and above all (as Richard would say) - ENJOY!

Unknown said...

bye Bye :( I'm always keen for a run bike or swim just let me know when and where, Em

Anonymous said...

oh booh. Well I wont see you on the start line any time soon, but no doubt eating somewhere!


Anonymous said...

she gone awww :(