Hmm, working, training and blogging all at once are challenging even for a girl who is fully skilled in the art of multi-tasking. I'm thinking now that a couple of updates a week is going to be about all I can manage. Better infrequent updates that never I guess.....
I have been on an easy week which would normally equal a little more time but with one thing and another it's still been really busy.
Thursday am I headed out for a ride before work, I only had to do a quick 40mins so headed down to Marine Parade for a long stretch on my aerobars, it was more than a tad windy out there again but I had a good ride and its nice that the I don't wannas seem to have moved on! Yay! Went to a running technique class after work which was great. I learnt heaps and hopefully after a few more weeks I will be capable of running more efficiently and be able to go further and faster....
Home to watch the final of Survivor, aah the sad addiction I have to reality TV! I'm sure it can't be good for me but if it's reality (ie loosely engineered to appear as realistic as possible) then I am there watching it! heheee
Friday = rest day! Woohoo, its been a long week being back at work!
Saturday morning, Kalina, Jazz and I headed over to Corsair Bay for a swim. It was heavenly over there yesterday! The water was as flat as could be and warm. There were heaps and heaps of people over there swimming, I guess everyone is getting ready for the OceanSwim which is only about a month away now. Kalina and I swam out past the boats to the 5 knot buoys, along the back of the boats and back in again. We were good and actually swam this time instead of swimming a bit, stopping for a long chat, swimming some more and so on. The funniest part was even tho the bay is fairly big we kept swimming into each other and I managed to knock Kalina's goggles off! hehehee
Was sposed to go for a 50min run but had an appointment at 11 so figured I would run later, managed to then run out of time before Geoff's cycle race which I decided I would go and watch, so figured I would run after that instead. I ended up marshaling for the race as there were short of volunteers, it was kinda fun but blimey the temperature was in the 30's! Standing in the middle of the road in that heat was hotter than hot! I decided that running in that kinda heat would be pretty damn silly so managed to convince Richard (my coach) that postponing my run till Sunday and doing Sunday as a bike/run was a good idea. I think he only agreed as he was concerned that I might melt on the pavement and he would have to clean up the mess. It was Tanya's birthday today so off out to the Yellow Cross for dinner again, I don't think cold beer and hot pizza has ever tasted so good! It was melting out there as well tho.
Sunday I had planned to be on my bike earlyish to beat the heat of the day, well I'm not so good at getting up early when I really don't have to so it was 9.30 before I was on my bike. Lucky it was less hot today as I was off up to the Sign of the Kiwi and return. Climbed in just under 27mins today, not bad considering it was still pretty damn hot out and about. Saw a few folk I knew when I was at the Kiwi and on the way down so that was cool. Had a nice long relaxed transition at home and made sure I had taken on enough water and fuel before heading off on my run. Running at midday is kinda daft and I end up doing it all the time! I need to plan better! Still, had an ok run given how hot it was so that was cool.
I have just finished a 6 week program from my coach and received the next instalment last night, sometimes I wonder why I do all this! My next program scared me a little! It has some tough stuff in there, but there is still heaps of fun stuff too so thats pretty cool :) I think it freaks me out looking at 6 weeks at once, I need to just worry about one week at a time. All good tho, after a chat and having my fifty million questions all answered I feel a lot more balanced and am looking forward to ripping into all tomorrow.
Just watched the movie The Prestige. If you haven't seen it you really should, its awesome. Geoff hadn't seen it before and is looking a little stunned which is probably how I looked the first time I saw it but it makes much more sense the second time as you pick up on all the little nuances that you miss the first time around. Definitely not a happy movie tho!
Anyways, sleepie time for me I think so I can get up and go swimming tomorrow and Merlin has a follow up visit at the vet. The steroids seem to be doing their job, he seems a lot happier and more comfortable than he did last week.
GO sound like you are kicking butt with the training girl! Good on ya. Your attitude still get out there and do it even when you are having a 'don't wanna' day. I have those all too often! Not having a specific event to train for is hard too...I just can't decide what to go for yet. I am thinking of Xterra in April...that will be a good start. Then I am not sure! Anyway keep posting, they are great to read :) Keep up the awesome effort!
Hey chickee, go for it and do the Xterra! It looks like heaps of fun! I wish we had one down here. We are still doing IM 09 right?
hehheee the reason I am good and do my training is that if I don't I will just have to try and invent a reason good enough to explain why I didn't, so I figure its just easier to do it :)
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