Saturday, May 24, 2008

Fickle weather and the windtrainer....

Hmmm lovely day for training in ChCh...not! I was working this morning (yes tragically I get to work the odd Saturday!), so I'd biked to work with the plan of heading out for my ride after work. Plan was to cycle out to Prebbleton and watch the cycle race out there and then finish my ride on the way home from there. I even got organised enough to go onto Wises map site and figure out the easiest way to ride out to Prebbleton from work, just as I did that I looked out the window and it was pissing with rain so I changed my plans and decided I would do a windtrainer ride instead which is not something I do willingly that's for sure!! So cruised off home and of course the weather then decided it would turn nice, blue sky the whole works! Hmmm grrrr, so I thought maybe I'll drop my stuff at home and head off to do short bays instead but decided that even tho the sun was attempting to shine it was still bloody freezing so flagged that idea and headed home to sit inside and ride my bike. I haven't used my own windtrainer in such a long time, the Wilier has never been on it and she ain't going back on there either! My windtrainer is pretty much a piece of crap I have decided and gave up on it after about 30mins and got Geoff's one out to use instead, that was going well until I tried to crank up the resistance a little cos it was a smidge easy and I managed to get the resistance stuck on some ridiculously hard level where I could barely turn the pedals!! Well that was a pretty disastrous effort and what was intended to be about a 90min session quickly turned into 45mins. I was having fun as well for a change, I had an Ironman video playing and my ipod on pedalling away, I even did a pyramid on my own! If you've ever been to Richard's spin class you'll know what I mean by these! Not quite so exciting on your own in case anyone was wondering. Was sposed to do a 15min run off the bike so headed out round the reserve which was delightfully muddy and disgusting after all the rain :)

So, you guessed it, the first time that I don't go watch Geoff race he wins!! Ahh well, thems the breaks, maybe I was jinxing him by turning up? We'll find out next week.

Had a fun run home in the rain on Thursday evening, it would have been more fun if it hadn't got dark as well, that was a bit creepy. It was funny leaving work in my running gear while it was peeing down with rain, so many people tried to offer me a ride home! They were less obliging when I said I would be home in 40mins while they would probably still be sitting in their cars in traffic. Tis true tho!

Anyways, yesterday I headed off to Mapworld to buy myself a compass. Why you ask? Well, tomorrow Nad-ya and I are gonna have a go at orienteering for a bit of fun. The plan is to have a bit of variety with running and spending time on my feet while also having some fun. So we'll see how it goes, hopefully I won't be coming home to put the compass for sale on Trade Me! In mid-June some of us are going to head up to Cheviot to do the 6 hour Rogaine event. Rogaine is kinda like orienteering but you get to choose what check points you go to and each one has a different point value, the plan being to get as many points as possible.

Physio has been interesting this week, my shoulder definitely feels better but it has been painful getting there. The other day I honestly felt ill when she was working on my neck and I was feeling nauseous all afternoon after that! Not fun, but it was heaps better when I went yesterday so I guess its all worth it in the end!

Here's hoping for ok weather tomorrow!

Quote for the day:

When you come to a fork in the road, take it! - Yogi Berra

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