sweetie from Dogwatch. Check out their link at: http://www.dogwatch.co.nz/ and see the awesome work they do finding homes for doggers that need love.
Zac is an 11 month old Beardie/Huntaway cross. He hasn't had the best start in life, apparently he was tied up on a short rope for much of his short wee life. He ended up at the pound as a very skinny young man and the good folk at Dogwatch took him in and fed him up and socialised him with other dogs until we came along and met him. We had been popping into Dogwatch every now and again knowing that we couldn't really get a dog until after we had done the cycle races we
had planned as we were going to be away 2 weekends in a row. When I first saw Zac he was a skinny wee guy, I could see his ribs poor thing! So a couple of weeks later we went in to Dogwatch again and he was still there and looking a bit better fed! He has such a lovely wee face and beautiful eyes, how anyone could ever have been mean to such a beautiful dog is beyond me! We had a bit of a play with Zac and asked lots of questions and had a good chat to the folk at Dogwatch. To make sure we were making the right decision we also checked out the pound and the SPCA. The pound is an awful place, don't ever go there unless you have to! The SPCA didn't seem to have a lot of dogs while we were looking which I guess is a good thing. So off we went back to Dogwatch and they did a property inspection and we had young Zac the next day. He came on a one week trial and well he has been here 2 weeks
now so is here to stay! He is a wee sweetie although he does have lots to learn! He is still learning all those things that puppies learn when they are little, so we pretty much have a very big, lanky puppy! His first walk

was funny, he obviously hasn't seen things like park benches etc so he would growl at anything he wasn't sure of like park benches, rubbish bags and recycling bins. He has been pretty good when he has met up with other dogs out walking and most people are happy to let him sniff and say hi to their dogs when I say that he is just
learning about stuff which is pretty awesome! So, here's some pics of our lad enjoying life at his new home, as you can see he is pretty comfortable here :)

Hi Nadine. I've been thinking of you off and on over your "Off season". I knew you'd had your eye on a dog and had checked a couple of times for updates.
Zak looks like a real darling. It's funny how he barks at park benches.
I'm glad you found a good friend and Zak is in great hands.
He looks like a real sweety Nadine!
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