Thursday, June 12, 2008

My normal has changed

Stuff that in the past I would have thought weird or just plain odd is now becoming normal and in a strange way I think I kinda like most of it. So what kind of things you ask? Try these out for starters....

  • I think swimming a 3.8km TT is fun!
  • Its normal to get up and put my togs on and wear these under my trackies while I walk the dog in the morning
  • It's normal to get up at 6am every day and walk the dog
  • I smell like chlorine often and I actually quite like it
  • It's normal to shower practically everywhere except home, ie the pool, work
  • I seem to live out of a backpack on a regular basis
  • It's normal to eat my breakfast out of a plastic container while sitting at my desk
  • I like cycling up to the Sign of the Kiwi, only so I can see if I did it quicker than last time!
  • I like going running on the hills, 5 years ago I used to refuse to run at all!
  • It's normal to spend up to an hour each night getting everything ready for work and training the next day
  • It's normal for my bank statement to show that I spend my money at the bike shop rather than at the mall....
  • My swim gear now permanently lives at work so I don't have to cycle with it to work
  • It seems strangely normal to shake hands with someone whilst wearing togs
  • It's normal to not have good hair days, a little challenging when swimming/biking/running everywhere
  • It's normal to run home from work, geez I never even used to walk home!
  • It's normal to fall asleep on the couch cos I am tired from training
  • It's normal to have a bike that costs 3-4 times what my car cost
  • Most of my favourite websites are about triathlons
  • I think orienteering is fun (it really is in a geeky kinda way!)
  • It's normal for me to make my lunch nearly every day
  • It's normal for me to wander down the street every day and get an awesome coffee!
  • I actually enjoy spin classes for the first time ever!
  • It's normal to always go for a run after going for a bike ride

I'm sure the list could go on and on and on forever!


Jill said...

Fantastic list! Love it. Thanks to you CHC chicks I now refer to "The sign of the Kiwi" as though it's a geographical icon that everyone should know. Ppl wonder what I'm talking about to which i say "you know those hills between CHC and Akaroa" thanks for the education :-)

wilier gurl said...

haha that is funny that you are getting to know our landmarks! If you want to be technically correct it is really more kinda between ChCh and Lyttleton :) You should visit again and we can get you riding up there as well!!!