Tried a couple of new things this week, hmmmm running at lunchtime was a novel experience that I don't know that I am keen to repeat on a regular basis. It proved to be quite a mission and given my work location not a great deal of fascinating places to run. I headed off down Madras St, along Armagh St, around North Hagley Park and back to work. By the time I got changed twice, showered and ate lunch it only made my lunch break about an hour and a half which I figured wasn't too bad. Hagley park just messes with my head eh, I really just don't enjoy it! The worst part tho was running past the groups of people standing smoking on the street...ick!! Give me car fumes in 5pm traffic any day! Having swum in the morning already, managing to miss the pool rage that was in the paper I did manage to get myself told off for wearing my shoes poolside, apparently there was some sign but in my sleepiness I managed to not see it at all. So showered at the pool after swimming, then showered at work after running, it's like I never shower at home anymore! I seem to be a mobile sports gear, shower gear carrying person these days.....she goes by bike, she goes by bus and very very rarely goes by car! I have taken to leaving my swim gear at work since I am only swimming on week days at the moment. So hopefully not many more lunchtime runs, I normally run home on a Thursday but had managed to forget that I was entered in a team for a quiz night at work and running home after that seemed very unappealing!
Another first, took Zac for his first run yesterday! I had to do a 15min run off the bike so figured that was a good distance to try him out on. He did really well for his first run, he started out a bit fast so I had to remind him that I couldn't run as fast as him, he did calm down after a wee while so that was good. He managed to nearly trip me up a couple of times which was interesting and not very smart on his behalf but we both had a good time so that's cool!
Ohh, managed a bike ride in that lovely warm weather that we had pre-snow yesterday! Gosh it was gorgeous out, I was riding in just shorts and a long sleeved cycle top, unheard of for this time of year! I headed up to the Sign of the Kiwi, first time I had been on the hills since before Graperide/Around Brunner! Was all good though and headed up Dyers Pass Rd as per my no more Hackthorne policy! Managed to get a flat tyre at the end of the first really steep bit, I hate stopping on the hills eh so I was pretty unamused! Managed a reasonably snappy tyre change on the side of the road, multiple folk asked if I was ok which was nice and they smiled as I grimaced about the joys of getting a flat, in general the guys seemed pretty impressed that I had everything under control, no damsel in distress syndrome here! All good tho, continued on my way up the hill then toddled along the base of the hills, thru Heathcote/Ferrymead then home. Beautiful day for being out and about and I'm stoked to be back on them thar hills on my bike!!
Quote of the Day:
If you train hard, you'll not only be hard, you'll be hard to beat.
- Hershel Walker
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