Thursday, December 27, 2007

Training Update

Well its been a pretty busy week, what with finishing work for the year and Xmas all happening! Phew its nice to be on holiday! Last week was fun tho, I managed to do my quickest ever climb up to the Sign of the Kiwi via Hackthorne Rd. Managed 26mins exactly, my previous best was 29! Thursday morning I just went for a quick ride in the drizzle which promptly turned into bucketing rain once I was out on my bike, followed this up with a run after work by which time the rain had stopped of course.... Friday was the last day of work! Woohoo! My team and I finished up at about 1.30pm and headed into town to check out our new building as we move in there in January. It looks very flash! Can't wait to be working back in town again. Then we went off to The Bicycle Thief in Latimer Square for lunch. They have the most divine food, lunch was awesome! I'll definitely be going back there. Saturday I headed over to Corsair Bay for a bit of a sea swim, to be fair we really just mucked around in the water with some short distance swimming between chatting! After the swim I changed into my running gear and headed out onto the run course for the Corsair bay triathlon, its a nice hilly wee run and apart from the nasty steep bit at Magazine Bay I actually managed to run the whole thing, let's hope I can manage that in the race there in Feb. Sunday, did short bays with Tanya and Jazz. It was nice to have company on a ride since a lot of my riding is done on my own. Climbed to the Kiwi in 26.40 today, a little slower but still pretty damn quick for me! Stopped in Sumner for coffee which was nice and it always makes me smile to see how many people stop and admire my bike!
Training picks up a little this week since I have a lot of free time on my hands as I am on holiday. Swam at QE2 on Monday am, it was pretty quiet, everyone else was obviously at the mall doing last min shopping. That was sposed to be it for the day but everyone else at home decided they were going to cycle to Sumner and back since the weather had cleared, I have no willpower to say no to a nice ride to Sumner and back on my lovely bike so I joined Mel, Jazz and Geoff for a wee jaunt! It was pretty nice except for the evil headwind! Tuesday was Xmas Day! We gave Santa a tight budget this year since we have both spent rather a lot of money on bikes this year! I now own some rather nice Thorlos running socks, I had been avoiding getting a pair of these cos I was worried I would really like them and they are ridiculously expensive socks! And I do like them! Xmas Day lunch was a picnic out at McLeans Island so we loaded up other people's cars with stuff so we could all bike out there. It was a nice relaxed Xmas Day relaxing in the sun etc. Nasty headwind again for the ride home tho! Headed over to James and Helen's for a couple of glasses of Xmas cheer! Wednesday, swam at QE2 again, it was a little busier today with everyone working off all their Xmas lunches and dinners! It was peeing with rain and I needed to go for an hour long run. After waiting an hour or so for the rain to stop I just gave up and ran in the rain, its not so bad really! Actually managed to run for 53mins without stopping, this is a huge jump from the run:walk efforts I have been doing, so I was pretty stoked with my efforts! Spent the evening playing the latest Buzz game and Cranium which Mel and Jazz had given us for Xmas, Cranium is hilarious! We got beaten in the first game so had to play another and solidly beat the young'uns to prove a point! After all they did mock us when they won! Thursday, 2 hour ride followed up by a run! Headed up to the Kiwi for a start, managed 26.50 today, still pretty quick and I realised afterwards that I had managed to climb to the Cup in my 19! So I am happy to forgo a few seconds in time since I can now climb in what is a huge gear compared to what I used to climb in. Pottered round the Halswell Downs and base of the hills before heading home to run along the river. Run was pretty good, it was hot by this stage, I had 2 small walks while running for 33mins, my legs were a bit shot from the hills so I am reasonably happy with how I went. And again it is windy out there, am starting to think I have moved to Windy Wellington in my sleep or something, every ride I do lately has a headwind home and its getting annoying!!


Jill said...

Hi Nades - I know what you mean about Thorlos, luckily the Scorching Tri's goodie bag always includes a $10 voucher for the shoe clinic which I use to buy Thorlos with, brings the price down a little bit at least. Which Buzz did you play? A friend of mine was going on about it to me just the other day, they played the general trivia quiz and thought it was great! Might have to hire it and check it out. Do you reckon you could play with just 2 people or do you really need more? See you later.

wilier gurl said...

Heya, yep I have a collection of Shoe Clinic vouchers as well, plus Mel, my niece, works there. We were playing Hollywodd Buzz the other day, we got given it for Xmas. We dohave most of them tho, Music, Sports, The Big Quiz (gen knowledge). They are ok with 2 people, you can even play most ofthem as single player which is fun cos you can learn the questions etc and beat everyone else :) The newer games can be played with as many as 8 people which certainly makes the competition a lot closer!