Saturday, September 6, 2008

Now thats more like it!

Had a great run today! Headed up Rapaki and then along Mt Vernon track and then some random wee track to Scott's something or other (can't remember what its called). The session goal I had set myself was to run the whole of Rapaki on the way up, well that was a bit ambitious but I certainly went a helluva lot better than I did last time I went up there! Having said that I think I am pleased it was foggy last time I went up there cos looking up at that track wouldn't have inspired me with confidence! Still am feeling quite good that only one MTB'er and one runner passed me on the way up! And they both looked pretty fit etc so I'm not going to beat myself up over being passed. And since today was an A1 run with an effort of 3 I figured best I stop and admire the view, so here are some pics from where I stopped to check out the view before heading back down.

Top pic is looking towards the mountains, other pic is looking over Lyttleton Harbour.

I'm pleased I had a good run today cos my last effort was utter crap! I had the afternoon off on Wednesday and had to do an hour cycle followed by a 2 hour run. Ride was ok'ish but the run was baaad! I had planned to run from home to the plantation then the blue track at the plantation and back home, weeelllll my legs were so heavy and sore from the run the previous night as well as running on Sunday when I normally run on a Saturday, so it was a whole lotta unfun! I ended up only running for maybe an hour and a half, on the way back even the dog didn't want to go anymore, he was slowing down just as I was kinda getting my second wind so I had to do a little dragging on the lead, poor wee fella, I think he might have had sore toes from all the running on the asphalt, he did however seem to be pretty excited about all the wee schoolkids walking home!
Quote for the Day:
Hope is the most exciting thing in life. If you honestly believe that love is out there, it will come. And even if it doesn't come straight away there is still that chance all through your life that it will.
- Josh Hartnett


Rachel Harris said...

What? Still no rundown on last week's excitement? Come on girl!! ;-)

wilier gurl said...

All in good time young lady! :)

Rebecca said...

Love the quote.....for without hope where would I be? Cheers! Hope you're enjoying your newly found vision :)