Wednesday, August 13, 2008

I am training for Ironman

Yep we all know that right but I am only just realising what this really means in some ways. Yep I get all the time and effort its going to take and I am balanced about that. I am just discovering other things tho like I don't get to taper for a half marathon when everyone else does. They do because it is a key race for them whereas for me it is actually just a long weekend run that happens to be a race. Hmm, I didn't see that coming! Now I have had a few days to think about it and chat to others it makes sense, it was just a surprise I didn't expect. So while other people have a nice relaxed week heading into a half marathon I get to do my normal week which included a 14km hill run with the marathon clinic, the only difference in my week is an extra rest day on Saturday. So while I was adjusted to training hard the day before the short distance tri's such as the PhysioMed Womens Tri's I hadn't thought about the so called 'bigger' events. Funny thing is that I am regularly running further than 21kms most Saturdays so I don't really know why I thought it would matter being a race rather than just a run but there you go. All good, have my head around it now! I am hoping that I get at least a mini-taper before the Half Ironman in November, best I ask soon I think rather than wait and find out the hard way!
Am just trying to stay healthy now as I can feel a snippet of a cold appearing and the last thing I want to do is be unwell for the half marathon so I did pull out of last nights run and stocked up on some herbal remedies etc and had a very early night and feel heaps better today so fingers crossed that all will be ok.
Quote for the Day:
Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present.
- Unknown

1 comment:

Neets_ said...

I'm loving hearing about your training and the differences you have in your programme due to different goals. It's very interesting and I'm so proud of what you're achieving.

I hope the remedies put paid to the inkling of a cold.

Good luck!