Thursday, July 24, 2008

It's life Jim but not as we know it

Ok, odd title I know, not sure why that, it is what I emailled Richard when I discovered that work stuff was trying to interfere with my training - I guess it is just life at the moment and I am lucky that life doesn't interrupt more often!
Marathon running was all good fun again, I did however discover a place I now wish I never knew existed! If you ever go up Rossmore Terrace be wary of the steps at the top! They are pure evil! I think I was a much happier person not knowing that such things existed! I knew it wasn't going to be pretty when everyone in front of me slowed right up, I had started walking at the previous corner as it was so steep! So, yep, if you are after a new challenge, get out there and have fun on those steps!!
Was feeling a bit flat at spin last night, still managed to have fun tho cos spin is fun!
Had to zip off to Wellington for work today, found out yesterday morning that I was going so that was entertaining. Made things a bit challenging to get a run in today, I was going to run with the dog when I got home as my flight was at 5pm. Well, Wellington being what it is I was blimmin lucky to get home at all. Just about every flight out of Wellington was cancelled due to the weather. So instead of leaving at 5pm it was more like 6.45, I think I have seen more of Welly airport in the last couple of weeks than I really cared to but at least I didn't have to try and find somewhere to stay at the last minute. That would have been fun as I only had what I was wearing and my handbag! Good excuse for shopping tho eh! And I managed a little of that this time which was nice and finally have some nice jeans that fit properly, yay for Just Jeans sale. So the upshot of all that was that I was far too pooped and it was far too miserable to run by the time I finally got home. Never mind, was only a 40min and this way I will be nice and rested for this weekends mammoth efforts. 2 hour run on Sat with a 5km TT in there for fun, then 3 hours on the bike on Sun with a 15min run off the bike!
Quote of the Day:
I am here to chew bubble gum and kick ass and I am all out of bubblegum...
- Roddy Piper in "They Live"


Anonymous said...

Is it wrong that I take some comfort that others end up stuck in Wellington airport waiting for a flight that just doesn't seem to want to get off the ground?
I know you're up for a challenge Nadine, and I bet next time you get to the steps you'll have given yourself a goal. Come on, you LOVE it ;-)

Rachel Harris said...

Rossmore Terrace and its steps is GREAT! One of the best for intervals (we're rather masochistic and have to do them at least twice before moving on!). And when you get to the top and hit Whareora Terrace, you get a nice downhillish bit to reward you!

Gosh, at least you got home at all - the weather in Wellington looked ghastly yesterday.