Sunday, June 8, 2008


Orienteering is just fun!! It really is, if you haven't given it a go then get out there and do it, I'll be very surprised if you don't have fun. We did decide that it was all a little bit British in a Famous Five adventures way :)
Today's event was up on Godley Head which was beautiful today being surrounded by all the snow capped hills in the nearby vicinity. It started off a little crisp and cool but a bit of climbing up and sliding down some hills soon warmed us up!
We were feeling a little more confident today after our previous experience, we did do a bit of a gulp tho when we realised that the orange course was longer this time! Last time it was 3km and took us nearly 2 hours, today's course was 4km so we initially thought we could be out there for anything up to 3 hours!! Luckily we were wrong about that and the course took us about 90mins. It certainly seemed easier this time, the terrain was definitely easier for navigating on, less trees and bushes getting in the way of things, just lots of climbing up and down steepish slopes this time. I managed to do a few slides on my bum when I slipped over going downhill! I think we were more aware of what we needed to look for as well as looking at the distance between clues so we had a good idea of how far we needed to travel between each checkpoint. We took turn about navigating this time and this worked quite well as we only got lost on one checkpoint and in our defence the fence was in the wrong place, well according to the map we had anyway! So not a lot of running down in today's event, a lot of the day was scrambling on the hillside but we did run when we were on the paths and roadway. Definitely looking forward to the 6hr Rogaine next week!! Nadia, Rebecca and I are all entered and the info pack arrived in the post yesterday, it all looks very serious but I'm sure we'll find ways to have plenty of fun while we are out there :)
Quote for the Day:
Brother, as you travel towards your goal, keep your eye upon the donut and not upon the hole
- Maxwell House Coffee Billboard, 1946

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